Executive Coaching

If you are a C-Suite or senior manager who desires to get to the next level of where you and your company needs to be, we may be a good coaching match for if you seek:


  • To take your leadership to the next level
  • To grow yourself as a leader as your company grows
  • Better life balance
  • To design specific action steps for measurable and sustainable progress
  • Strong accountability from an expert coach who shoots straight
  • A no-nonsense approach to coaching with a focus on results

“The hardest person to lead is yourself.”

John Maxwell

Selecting an executive coach should be a well-executed decision. To make the decision-making process crystal clear, we offer a commitment-free chemistry meeting to remove uncertainty and questions around coaching.


If we are a mutually agreeable match, we proceed with a four step coaching process:

  1. On-Boarding: Learning your goals and challenges, and helping you prioritize your focus areas for the coaching process.
  2. Assessments: Antoinette and John are Maxwell certified and qualified to use the following assessments, and utilize one or more when relevant:
    • Maxwell 360 Leadership
    • DISC
    • Right Path
    • Working Genius
  3. Coaching Sessions: Virtual or in-person coaching sessions focused on your agenda and goals for continued progress. Accountability between and during sessions helps accelerate progress.
  4. Continued Development & Results: Agreed upon milestone reviews, post 360 Leadership assessment to measure progress (when relevant), and recommendations for on-going progress.
Antoinette Griffin in her office