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Text next to a picture of Antointette Griffin reads, "Introvert Hangover: avoid social exhaustion"

How Introverts Can Manage Their Energy

Introverts suffer from exhaustion from socialization or too much stimuli. Although this is difficult for some extroverts to understand, this fatigue can lead to stress headaches, fatigue, and feelings of overwhelm. Here are five ways

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a photo of Antoinette Griffin next to text reading, "look better on zoom calls"

Improve Your Presence on Zoom Calls

Although we are post pandemic, video call platforms including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet  are here to stay. No matter how often you participate on video calls, you can always get better. Here are five

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Antoinette Griffin to the right of text reading "Should you apologize"

Should You Apologize? Four Ways To Know

Sometimes we avoid apologies because we’re bringing up ‘the subject’ or ‘the incident’ that caused problems in the first place, and it’s just easier to move on rather than rehash it. Or at times we

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