
Text next to a picture of Antointette Griffin reads, "Introvert Hangover: avoid social exhaustion"

How Introverts Can Manage Their Energy

Introverts suffer from exhaustion from socialization or too much stimuli. Although this is difficult for some extroverts to understand, this fatigue can lead to stress headaches, fatigue, and feelings of overwhelm. Here are five ways

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"4 types of introverts: which are you" text next to a photo of speaker Antoinette Griffen

Four Types Of Introverts: Which Are You?

Unlike extroverts who are outgoing and gain energy externally, introverts are reserved, quiet and introspective. They gain energy from within themselves. You probably have a good idea of whether you are an introvert versus and

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antoinette griffin wtih text introverts hate small talk

Why Introverts Hate Small Talk

There is one thing that introverts have in common. They hate small talk. Small talk has its merits and is a necessity in starting conversations with people; however, here are five reasons why introverts don’t

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don't ask introverts this reads the image, with a picture of antoinette griffin

Four Questions That Annoy Introverts

People frequently ask introverts certain questions that annoy them. Although they may not outwardly show their irritation, they cringe when the following questions are asked: Are you an introvert who is annoyed with certain questions?

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Four Strengths Of Ambiverts

If you feel like you are only somewhat introverted and somewhat extroverted, you are likely an ambivert. Introverts and extroverts are on a spectrum, and the ambivert dances over the middle line of these two

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Why Introverts Hate Phone Calls

Have you noticed that many introverts tend to avoid phone calls? Both making them and answering them? Although not all introverts are alike, many introverts hate phone calls for one or more of these five

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