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antoinette griffin with a kevin macallister pose. Text reads, stop humble bragging

Beware of Humble Bragging

Humble bragging may be a term you are familiar with and you probably smile when you hear it.  It sounds like an oxymoron. The term humble bragging originated with the late comedian, Harris Lee Wittels

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Four Strengths Of Ambiverts

If you feel like you are only somewhat introverted and somewhat extroverted, you are likely an ambivert. Introverts and extroverts are on a spectrum, and the ambivert dances over the middle line of these two

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antointette griffin picture with caption Are You Too Passive

Five Signs You Are Too Passive

Have you ever wondered if you are being too passive at work and/or in life? Some people are simply more passive by nature. That is the way they are naturally wired. Others are only passive

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Why Introverts Hate Phone Calls

Have you noticed that many introverts tend to avoid phone calls? Both making them and answering them? Although not all introverts are alike, many introverts hate phone calls for one or more of these five

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